Tuesdays with Tundra

Tuesdays with Tundra is an ongoing series featuring our new releases. These titles are now available in stores and online!

Buns Gone Bad: Fluffle Bunnies #1
Written by Anna Humphrey
Illustrated by Irma Kniivila
176 Pages | Ages 6-9 | Hardcover
ISBN 9781774881262 | Tundra Books
This story starts, as stories often do, with a tragedy. Three bunnies are left without their mother when she goes off to Brazil to learn jiujitsu. The bunnies, Flop, Biggie and Boingie, learn some hard truths about life pretty quick: squirrels will take over your cozy nest as soon as you leave and refuse to give it back, dogs are to be avoided at all costs and raccoons will believe anything you tell them. With quick thinking, ingenuity and maybe a little bit of raccoon manipulation, these three buns will take on all comers to be the rulers of the park. Will they win? Well, this IS an origin story . . .

Buns Gone Bad is also available today in paperback!

Your Story Matters
Written by Richard Scrimger
Illustrated by D. McFadzean
208 Pages | Ages 9-12 | Hardcover
ISBN 9781770498426 | Tundra Books
Interested in writing but don’t know how to get started? Love reading and want to know more about how stories are created? Like ridiculous tales about troublesome sisters, peanut butter and steamrollers? Look no further! Esteemed writer Richard Scrimger is here to answer all your burning questions about writing: whether about plot, character, structure, story hooks or commas. (Actually, don’t ask him about commas, it’s not that kind of book.) Using clever (so he thinks) analogies, (sort of) brilliant examples and funny (well . . .) anecdotes, he will give you (truly) useful tools to start you on your way as a writer. And if that’s not enough, comic illustrations by D. McFadzean are the pepperoni on the writing pizza! (That will make sense once you read the book.) So come, read this book and start your writing journey!

We can’t wait to see you reading these titles! If you share these books online, remember to use #ReadTundra in your hashtags so that we can re-post.

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