Freedom to Read Week

February 21-27, 2010
Freedom to Read Week is an annual event that encourages Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom, which is guaranteed them under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Also, click on the cover of You Can’t Read This for discussion, activities, and further reading lists:

You Can’t Read This: Forbidden Books, Lost Writing, Mistranslations, and Codes
By Val Ross
152 Pages
ISBN 978-0-88776-732-6

You Can’t Read This: Forbidden Books, Lost Writings, Mistranslations & Codes is a history of reading with a provocative twist to intrigue curious readers — it’s a series of stories, based on historical events, about forbidden texts, books, codes, and languages. It celebrates the people who had to fight for the precious ability to read these texts and understand their meaning.


“I loved this book even before I opened it … You Can’t Read This is more than just a history of banned literature. It is a glimpse into the wide panorama of the restrictions and expansions of the written word, and how it has been used as a tool to liberate and to oppress … This is no dry textbook. It is a primer for anyone wanting to act with courage and needing to know that those acts will come with a price … Beautifully illustrated and well documented, You Can’t Read This is sure to fly off any library or bookstore shelf where it is allowed to appear.” – The Globe and Mail

“This excellent book is about the history of writing, the power of words … An intriguing book. You’ll appreciate how writing has helped society grow and develop though the ages.” – The Toronto Star